Manufacturing employees, industrial professionals and other blue-collar workers perform some of the most demanding jobs in the country. They work with massive pieces of machinery, impressive robotic devices and various other equipment. They may end up exposed to extreme temperatures, caustic chemicals and a variety of other workplace hazards.
Many industrial employees who develop medical conditions related to employment have traumatic injuries related to specific incidents. Many others could have medical conditions caused by work that may slowly worsen over time. The expectation that blue-collar workers should perform the same work for years may lead to repetitive motion disorders and eventually, a need for disability benefits.
Repetitive job functions are a major hazard
Performing the same job tasks for hours every day over multiple years can easily lead to injuries. Repetitive motion disorders ranging from carpal tunnel syndrome to back injuries can prevent people from performing their jobs safely. Often, employees in the industrial sector try to power through painful symptoms and ignore the warning signs of repetitive motion injuries.
They may only seek out medical care when their symptoms are so severe that they can no longer do their jobs or when they do not have any reprieve from pain and functional limitations. By that point, they may not be able to improve the condition with treatment.
Workers with intractable repetitive strain disorders may no longer be able to continue working. In more serious cases, blue-collar workers with severe repetitive motion disorders may qualify for disability benefits. Typically, a worker needs medical evidence establishing that their health challenges are so severe that they cannot work at all if they hope to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. However, there are special rules that apply to blue-collar workers with limited educational backgrounds.
Injured blue-collar workers may find that they have an uphill battle when seeking SSDI benefits. Both unusually serious cases of often minor medical issues and applications requiring special consideration can create more challenges for those seeking SSDI benefits. Having adequate medical documentation and proper support can improve the chances of success when applying for SSDI benefits. Blue-collar workers who learn more about SSDI rules may feel more confident about seeking support when they cannot work due to medical issues.