Intelligent, Aggressive Representation For The Injured And Disabled

Attorneys Gardberg & Kemmerly
Photo of attorneys Jonathan P. Gardberg and Colin Edward Kemmerly

Client Testimonials

“Mr. Gardberg – I am forever in your debt. I will never be able to tell you how much I appreciate what you have done for me. I praise you and your firm for all they did to help me in my disability case. Thanks for being so kind.”

L. Nelson

“Saying thank you is easy, but you will never know how you impacted my life by helping me with me Social Security disability case. This thank you comes right from the heart.”

R. Turner

“Thank you, thank you , thank you to all of the angels in the law firm at Gardberg and Kemmerly. I sincerely hope you know how much you did to make my life better.”

D. Thompson

“I am so impressed with the staff at Gardberg and Kemmerly Attorneys at Law P.C.. The Attorneys and staff take helping the disabled and injured clients to another level by helping them to gain access to resources in community like life sustaining medication from Ozanam Charitable Pharmacy. I have seen how they care about their clients first hand. Recently, while visiting Ozanam on a tour one of the Attorneys was able to help one of their clients. It touched my heart how caring the Attorney and team was. The commitment Gardberg and Kemmerly has to Ozanam Charitable Pharmacy, to our patients and to our community makes difference every day.”

Shearie Archer, Executive Director of Ozanam Charitable Pharmacy

“Mr. Kemmerly helped me with my Social Security disability case and I am pleased he did. I have had a stroke and heart attack along with several other health problems which make it so I can no longer work. I loved working and planned to do so for many years. When I had my health set back, I was lost and depending on a friend to let me stay with them. Having to depend on someone else when you are used to making your own living is hard. Add to that you are sick and you feel low. I am back on my own and have Medicare. I am so happy to be independent again. Thank you Mr. Kemmerly.”

Kenneth P.