Updated Stats on Administrative Law Judges and Wait Times for Hearings
The Office of Hearings Operations (OHO), formerly known as the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR), conducts Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) hearings in almost every state. The current national average wait time for a hearing is 18 months. The national average case processing time is 582 days. The national average for winning a disability hearing is 45%. [1] The average wait time for all Alabama hearing offices is 18.5 months, with an average processing time of 582 days.
The Mobile Office of Hearings Operations is located at 550 Government Street, Suite 200, Mobile, AL 36602. The average wait time for a hearing in the Mobile office is 16-18 months. The average case processing time in Mobile is 583 days. The Mobile average for winning is 50%. There are currently 15 Administrative Law Judge in Mobile who hear Social Security Disability cases. Their approval ratings range from around 20% to around 55%.
The most important thing you can do to increase your odds of getting approved by an Administrative Law Judge is to receive medical treatment. Do not think that you should not get treatment just because you cannot afford a specialist. The Administrative Law Judge needs to see some type of medical treatment, even from a primary physician or nurse practitioner. Mobile and Baldwin counties have some excellent resources for health care, such as: Franklin Primary Health Clinic, Victory Health Partners, Mobile County Health Department, Stanton Road Clinic, Alta Pointe, and the Ozanam Charitable Pharmacy. Make sure you are receiving treatment, so you can prove your impairments to the Administrative Law Judge.
For more information on Social Security Disability Benefits and Supplemental Security Income, contact an experienced Social Security disability attorney at Gardberg & Kemmerly, P.C. Gardberg & Kemmerly, P.C. represents Social Security disability claimants in Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and Louisiana at all levels of the disability process from initial application to appeals to Federal Court. Gardberg & Kemmerly, P.C. has been helping Social Security claimants with their disability claims for over 30 years.
[1] This information was updated on 9/7/17.