Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover – Disability Edition
At least once a week, I hear someone say, “I know so and so and they get disability and there’s nothing wrong with them!” or “My cousin got disability and her health is way better than mine!” These comparisons are tempting. Perhaps you know someone who gets disability and you want to compare their case to yours. It’s understandable but it’s not a good practice. Comparing your disability case to someone else’s is often like comparing apples to oranges. Here are a few reasons why:
1. It’s unlikely that your case is exactly like someone else’s. Are you the same age? Do you have the same work background? The same educational background? All of these things matter and can affect a case.
2. Some people have “invisible disabilities.” These may be mental disabilities or chronic joint disease or severe Crohn’s disease, just to name a few. Just because you can’t see what’s going on doesn’t mean it’s not disabling.
3. You can never really know what went on in another person’s case. You may think you have a good idea, but unless you’ve actually read their medical records, you can never truly know. Therefore, your comparisons are going to be based solely on assumptions.
So, even though it’s tempting to compare your case to a friend’s or a family member’s or your neighbor’s, remember that it may only bring you frustration. What is more important is for you to work closely with your lawyer to gather the information necessary for you to win *your* case.
If you have any questions about starting or appealing your Social Security disability claim, contact the experienced disability attorneys at Gardberg & Kemmerly today to discuss your options. Gardberg & Kemmerly has been helping Social Security claimants with their disability claims for over 30 years in Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and Louisiana.