A rapid test that checks for traumatic brain injuries using a single drop of blood has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The test checks whether a person’s blood contains the protein markers associated with a mild TBI, or concussion, after 15 minutes.
While the test does not offer a firm diagnosis, it can flag indicators of a TBI and intracranial hemorrhage. The Army’s Medical Material Development Activity developed this test in partnership with medical device manufacturer Abbot Laboratories. The Analyzer Traumatic Brain Injury system is expected to be fielded to the Army in fiscal year 2025.
TBIs are known as one of the signature injuries of troops wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq, and can alter a person’s physical abilities as well as their memory, mood and focus. The Defense Health Agency notes that nearly 500,000 service members worldwide received a TBI during military training, deployments, or day-to-day activities from November 2000 through December 2023.
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