Intelligent, Aggressive Representation For The Injured And Disabled

Attorneys Gardberg & Kemmerly
Photo of attorneys Jonathan P. Gardberg and Colin Edward Kemmerly

BVA Mistakenly Rejects an Unknown Number of Veterans’ Appeals as Untimely

On Behalf of | Sep 2, 2021 | Veterans Disability Benefits |

Unfortunately, due to a yet unknown error, Veterans, who filed Board Appeal Forms between February 19, 2019 and March 23, 2021, may have had their appeals mistakenly rejected as untimely. The VA is unaware of how many Veterans may have had their Board Appeal Forms mistakenly rejected and are therefore asking anyone who believes they may have been improperly rejected to send a letter to Clerk of the Board at P.O. Box 27063, Washington, DC 20038 or via fax to 1-844-678-8979 no later than March 1, 2022.

Veterans will need to include in their letter that they are asking the Board to Recalculate Timeliness and to make sure that they include their full name, claim number or SSN, the date of the rating decision appealed to the Board, and the date of the original VA Form 10182 that the Board rejected as untimely.

If you feel that your appeal was improperly rejected, the qualified Veterans’ Disability attorneys at Gardberg and Kemmerly want to help in any way possible. Please call our office and speak with one of our qualified Veterans’ Disability attorneys. Gardberg and Kemmerly is committed to helping injured and disabled Veterans obtain the benefits they deserve.  If you need help with a disability claim, call our office at 251-343-1111 or 1-800-332-1529 for a free consultation. Gardberg and Kemmerly is proud to serve Veterans across the country from our home office in Mobile, Alabama. We would love an opportunity to discuss your claim.




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