Memorial Day weekend brings a lot of different types of celebrations. My weekend was filled with a few different celebrations to help honor our Fallen heroes. On Friday night, May 28, 2021, I gathered with the wonderful Marines of the PL Wilson Detachment, Marine Corps League, of which I am an associate member. The mission that night was to smoke a LOT of Boston Butts. The Detachment sold Boston Butts as a fundraiser and the money earned will be used to help fellow Veterans and many charities throughout the year. Overall, by Saturday at noon, 152 Boston Butts were sold, smoked and delivered. It was a wonderful time of camaraderie and fun (and work and lots of smoke!).
On Monday, I joined my fellow athletes at the Crossfit gym I attend to undertake the “Murph.” The Murph is a workout to honor Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who was killed in Afghanistan on June 28, 2005, and all the many American heroes who have died for our country. Lt. Murphy was a part of Operation Red Wings and his story is told in the book written by Marcus Luttrell, called “Lone Survivor.” It tells the story of extreme bravery and heroism. Lt. Murphy, according to the Navy, “unhesitatingly and with complete disregard for his own life moved into the open, where he could gain a better position to transmit a call to get help for his men…This deliberate and heroic act deprived him of cover and made him a target for the enemy…He was shot in the back, causing him to drop the transmitter. Murphy picked it back up, completed the call and continued firing at the enemy who was closing in.” The workout, which was originally created by Lt. Murphy and which he called Body Armor, consists of a 1 mile run, 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 squats, and finishes with another 1 mile run. If a person has a 20-pound vest or body armor, they wear it during the workout. You can read more about the “Murph” and how it is used to honor Lt. Murphy and our fallen heroes here.
I am very honored to represent so many Veterans with their claims. I thank each and every one of you for your service. I honor and thank each of the American heroes that have died, so that we may live free.
If you have a claim pending before the VA, the qualified Veterans’ Disability attorneys at Gardberg and Kemmerly want to help in any way possible. Gardberg and Kemmerly is committed to helping injured and disabled Veterans obtain the benefits they deserve. If you need help with a disability claim, call the office at 251-343-1111 or 800-332-1529 for a free consultation. Gardberg and Kemmerly is proud to serve Veterans across the country from our home office in Mobile, Alabama. We would love an opportunity to discuss your claim.