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Conditions that qualify for SSDI

On Behalf of | Feb 22, 2021 | Blog, Ssi Supplemental Security Income |

Social Security disability supports employees in Alabama who can no longer work with monthly benefits. However, the worker needs to have an eligible medical condition listed in the Blue Book published by the Social Security Administration.

Musculoskeletal disorders

An example of a common musculoskeletal issue is back pain, which prevents limits the worker bending or lifting. Loss of function in the spine could be caused by scoliosis, degenerative bone disease or ruptured discs.

Reflexive Sympathetic Dystrophy refers to a group of symptoms resulting from disease, surgery or injury causing intense pain. It is a lesser-known condition that has low recovery odds and requires extensive therapy. Fibromyalgia and arthritis are two other disorders commonly covered under SSDI.

Cardiovascular conditions

The SSA defines a cardiovascular condition as a condition that interferes with proper heart function or circulatory system. Some of these conditions include angina, chronic heart failure, abnormal heart rhythms, congenital heart defects, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease.

While angina could be a qualifying symptom, it has to be part of another condition. Workers who claim high blood pressure must meet the criteria for coronary artery disease or coronary heart disease. The SSA commonly uses an exercise endurance test to determine how long a person can work before symptoms appear.

Neurological disorders

A neurological condition impairs the function of the spinal cord, brain or other nerves limiting a person’s mental ability or motor skills. Parkinson’s disease is an example of a progressive neurological condition that causes loss of movement. To be eligible for SSDI, the worker must show difficulty in rising from a seated position or balancing with the arms.

Another common neurological disorder is chronic fatigue syndrome, which causes fatigue lasting several months not cured with rest. Though it is not listed in the Blue Book, some workers could qualify for benefits with substantial medical evidence. Blind workers may qualify for benefits if sight in the better eye cannot be corrected to 20/100 or greater.

SSDI also covers deafness, some digestive disorders, blood disorders and many syndromes. However, the SSA commonly denies initial legitimate claims, so a worker may need an attorney to help them file an appeal.



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