Burn Pit exposure recognition has been taken up in the House and the Senate. The House has questioned VA officials regarding whether or not the VA is doing enough to help Veterans with serious injuries caused by burn pits. In the Senate, legislation has been advanced that will extend new testing and benefits of Veterans who have suffered a range of toxic exposure injuries.
Additionally, a coalition of advocates, including comedian Jon Stewart, have rallied asking for presumptive status to be granted to Veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as a host of other overseas military sites where burn pits were frequently used. Stewart said “This is not about science, this is about money…Listen to these families … Delaying care and waiting for veterans to die is not a mantle worthy of our country.” The push to recognize burn pit exposure on a presumptive basis is because, despite overwhelming evidence of past military toxic exposure illnesses, there has been great reluctance to grant disability benefits to burn pit victims.
Gardberg and Kemmerly will continue to monitor the legislation, as well as continue to fight for benefits for Veterans who suffer from illnesses caused by burn pit exposure. Our office is open for calls and online assistance and will continue to help our Veterans in any way possible. If you have a claim for disability and need assitstance, please call our office and speak with one of our qualified Veterans’ Disability attorneys. Gardberg and Kemmerly is committed to helping injured and disabled Veterans obtain the benefts they deserve. If you need help with a disability claim, call the office at 251-343-1111 or 800-332-1529 for a free consultation. Gardberg and Kemmerly is proud to serve Veterans across the country from our home office in Mobile, Alabama.