This year I took some time off from the board of Making Strides and the American Cancer Society, but boy, do I miss it! I was the Chair for the past 2 years for the Making Strides walk here in Mobile, AL. The Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk of South Alabama is a walk to raise funds to end the fight against breast cancer. The American Cancer Society and their committee consists of men and women in all avenues of life who have come together to make this walk successful. We have so many people who have been touched by breast cancer, both survivors and fighters, friends, and family right here in our city. The walk is vital to the future of those who face this disease.
Representing the disabled for the past twenty years has put me in contact with people suffering with all types of cancers. Even once their diagnosis goes into remission, many continue to face irreparable damage to both their physical and mental wellbeing. I have encountered many that are unable to work during treatments and, due to the effects of their disease, could not return to work post-treatment either. I was honored to help those in their claims for disability.
Being a part of the walk is your pledge to cancer survivors everywhere, the brave people who have battled cancer and are no longer here, and to those who will hear the words “you have cancer” in the future, that we won’t stop until we win the fight! Due to COVID 19, the walk may look different this year. We do not know yet. However, cancer has not stopped affecting those around us just because COVID 19 has affected the world around us. Everyday, women and even men are diagnosed with breast cancer. We cannot stop in the fight for their lives.
While I am not on the board, I will walk for breast cancer this fall, I will walk for my clients, I will walk for my friends, and I will walk for you. For more information you can log on to the Making Strides page at to register today, create a team and start the fight!
Gardberg and Kemmerly is committed to helping the injured and disabled for over thirty years, if you need help with a disability claim, call the office at 343-1111 for a free consultation.