During this time of uncertainty, with limited office hours and social distancing precautions, receiving medical treatment can be very difficult. The difficulty is especially felt by Veterans who have already been dealing with long wait times and overburdened VA medical facilities. For that reason, more and more Veterans are turning to telehealth appointments as an efficient and more convenient way of speaking with their physician. Tricare has now begun offering insurance coverage for telehealth visits by telephone and has eliminated patient co-pays and cost shares for telehealth options during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tricare has covered video conferencing with medical professionals for several years. Now, Tricare recipients, along with Medicare recipients, can receive medically necessary services through a telephone-based telehealth service.
To further ease the burden, officials have temporarily relaxed licensure requirements for health care providers. Generally, a practitioner must be licensed in the same state in which they are providing the opinion. These temporary suspension of licensure requirements will allow practitioners to practice across state lines, which will greatly advantage military families searching for medical services.
These changes are effective immediately and will be of significant benefits to patients by saving them money and allowing them to receive affordable care without exposure to the coronavirus. Seeking appropriate medical advice is of utmost importance when a Veteran is trying to gain compensation for a service-connected condition. With these relaxed rules, Veterans will be more likely to have access to medical professionals for these opinions.
If you are attempting to receive compensation for an injury which occurred while in service but have not been able to based on a lack of medical opinion, contact the Attorneys at Gardberg and Kemmerly. Please call our office and speak with one of our qualified Veterans’ Disability attorneys. Gardberg and Kemmerly is committed to helping injured and disabled Veterans obtain the benefits they deserve. If you need help with a disability claim, call the office at 251-343-1111 or 800-332-1529 for a free consultation.