This year, I am the Co-Chair for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Event. The Making Strides for Breast Cancer Board is comprised of people from all over Mobile, Alabama. Each of us have different jobs, different interests and different lifestyles. But what we do have in common is the drive to help in any way to find a cure for breast cancer. Many of us on the board have been personally touched by breast cancer – some of the board members are survivors, some of the board members are family members of a survivor, and some of the board members have lost loved ones to breast cancer. A huge part of finding a cure, is raising money for research and resources.
When I was given an opportunity to join the board of Making Strides for Breast Cancer, I did not know what I was getting myself into, but I did know WHY I wanted to be involved. My paternal grandmother was diagnosed, fought, and defeated breast cancer. I wanted to be involved to honor her and her figh, because so many have not won their fight against breast cancer. I am also very fortunate to know Christine Cumbie of our very own Gardberg & Kemmerly family. Christine has won her fight against breast cancer and is one of this year’s Portraits of Hope.
This year’s Making Strides for Breast Cancer in Mobile kicked off on August 21, 2019, with a really great event. The theme this year is “How the Breast was Won,” which is really what this fight is all about – finding a cure for breast cancer. In 2019, approximately 271,270 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed and about 62,930 new cases of the earliest form of breast cancer will be diagnosed.
I am very fortunate to be on a Making Strides team here at Gardberg & Kemmerly – we have a fantastic, and very competitive team. That competition means more money raised for our Making Strides walk, which will occur on October 26, 2019 at Bienville Square, 150 Dauphin Street, Mobile, Alabama. There are multiple ways to participate – create and lead a team of your own, walk with us, if you don’t have a team, volunteer or be a sponsor.
While a lot of work by the Board goes into putting this event together, the event would not happen without the teams, fundraisers and sponsors. I encourage everyone to get involved in this fight against breast cancer and I hope to see you on October 26, 2019!