Intelligent, Aggressive Representation For The Injured And Disabled

Attorneys Gardberg & Kemmerly
Photo of attorneys Jonathan P. Gardberg and Colin Edward Kemmerly

Qualifying for disability for chronic migraines

by | Jul 11, 2019 | Firm News |

It’s not a headache. Those who describe it that way or tell you to just take some aspirin may not understand. It’s a migraine, and it can affect every area of your life. Your migraines may affect your vision, make you nauseous, make it impossible for you to be in a room with light or sound, and cause you paralyzing pain. The pain may last hours or days, and in the aftermath, you may feel weak and sick.

If this describes you, you already know what it is like to try to maintain a daily routine, let alone carry out your duties at work. In fact, if you suffer from migraines more than once a week, you may find that holding down a job is next to impossible. You may be considering applying for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration.

Taking the first steps

Since migraine sufferers often have unique circumstances, triggers and symptoms, it is not always easy to get the medical treatment you need. It may be difficult to find a physician who will take your complaints seriously. Therefore, if you plan on seeking disability benefits, you should be prepared to prove that your condition prevents you from earning a living. You can build your case by taking the following steps:

  • Educate yourself about the specific guidelines for SSA disability eligibility.
  • Keep a detailed log of your migraines for at least three months: how often they occur, how long they last and how severe they are.
  • Make a list of the daily tasks you are unable to perform because of your condition and those for which you receive help from friends or family.
  • Gather records from all doctor visits, tests and scans, therapies, and prescriptions related to your migraines.
  • Ask your physician to provide notes or additional details about your condition.
  • Make a list of any factors that you are aware may trigger your migraines.
  • Ask your employer to provide information about how your condition affects your ability to work and what accommodations may be appropriate.

You may find that the work of gathering the data you need for your disability application is too much for you to deal with. However, qualifying for disability benefits may provide you with financial support while you seek treatment that may allow you to resume a normal life. You may improve your chances by enlisting the help of every available resource, including an Alabama attorney who understands the laws related to Social Security benefits.



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