The Social Security Administration did a review of their online claims processes and found that approximately 60,000 requests for appeals or reconsiderations that were submitted online since April 2015 were done without a Disability Report and were never processed. The Disability Report is SSA-3441 form which can be found online. The field offices are now contacting Claimants whose appeal was never processed due to not completing the form and giving them an opportunity to complete the form. You will receive the 3441 form in the mail along with a letter identifying the timeline for returning these forms. If you intend to appeal that prior claim you must complete this form and submit to the appropriate field office as soon as possible. Most of these letters indicate a deadline for submission of the forms.
Some Claimants have returned to work or perhaps have been approved on a subsequent application. However, if you have a current claim pending then it may be beneficial to complete this 3441 form and get a potential earlier onset date for disability.
If you receive a letter from Social Security and have a claim pending, or remain disabled, please call our office at 251-343-1111 for a free consultation. Gardberg & Kemmerly specializes in helping the injured and disabled in Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and Louisiana.