As many people know, TRICARE is the healthcare program with Unformed Service Members (active, Guard/Reserve, and retired) and their families. MEDICARE is a federal healthcare program for people over 65, or receive Social Security disability, or have end-stage kidney disease. There are special rules for retired service members and their families who are also eligible for Medicare. In particular, you are required to pay your premiums for Medicare Part B to keep your TRICARE. You must keep your Medicare Part B from the initial effective date forward to keep your TRICARE coverage. If you have end-stage renal disease, you must sign up for Medicare benefits or lose your TRICARE COVERAGE. Again, the same rules apply if you are eligible for Medicare based on age (65). Failure to enroll in Medicare will result in loss of TRICARE coverage.
The bottom line is that if you are a retired service member or family member of a retired service member who is covered under TRICARE and you become eligible for Medicare, you MUST enroll in Medicare Part B to maintain your TRICARE coverage.
Whether you have questions about VA disability or unemployability or about Social Security disability, contact the experienced disability attorneys at Gardberg & Kemmerly today, where we have been helping claimants successfully obtain disability benefits for over 30 years throughout Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and Louisiana.