If you have applied for Social Security Disability benefits you are likely prescribed medications for your conditions that may have side effects. As noted in a prior blog post about the initial application (link is here), you have the ability to list the medications you have previously taken, are currently taking, or have been prescribed by a physician for your medical conditions. While you are completing that section of the application, it may be wise to also list the side effects associated with each medication.
In any event, it is certainly wise to document any effects you experience should your claim be heard before an Administrative Law Judge. At a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge the Judge will ask you how you spend your days. It will undoubtedly be important to relay to the Judge any and all problems you have as a result of your medication. Whether you experience nausea, drowsiness, aggression, etc., it is important that the decision maker in your disability claim be advised of such situations. The reasoning is clear: if you have to take your medication for your conditions and you are negatively affected by the medication, your ability to work will be significantly impeded.
The documentation of your side effects, especially the duration of each, can help prove your inability to work because of your disabilities. The lawyers with Gardberg and Kemmerly have extensive knowledge of the disability rules and regulations and will ask you about your medication side effects because of their importance. If you have a pending claim for Social Security Disability benefits, call the Mobile, Alabama law firm of Gardberg and Kemmerly for a free case evaluation.