It is not uncommon for someone who has suffered a personal injury to struggle in a wide array of facets in their personal life. Seeking the advice of counsel is undoubtedly one way to help get your life on track and, to further protect your legal claim. An experienced lawyer will help answer the questions you have and start planning the steps of your future. However, there are many things that the injured person can do to assist themselves and their legal claim.
1) Keep a diary. We’ve dedicated an entire blog post on the need for this. In between your visits with your lawyer and doctor, many things can and will likely happen. Keeping a diary will help document important items of your life and treatment.
2) Take Pictures. This is from another blog we’ve done in the past and its importance cannot go unstated. Your pictures not only refresh your memory but may be useful if your case goes before a jury.
3) Document Your Daily Struggles. One form of recovery for the injured plaintiff is the pain and suffering you’ve undergone as a result of your injuries. Documenting your specific struggles will be important to prove these damages. One way of doing this is by locating and developing ‘character’ witnesses. These people can be co-workers that have seen you struggle returning to work or you neighbor who has bet tending your yard as you recover. Their impressions and statements may be useful should your case go to court.
4) Stay Off Social Media! Just as you may be building your own case using the bullet points above, it’s just as important to know that you could hurt your case based on the information you put on social media websites like Facebook or Twitter. It is best to simply stay away from it all.
Having an experienced attorney can explain and put into motion all of the above tips and many more. Each step of the legal process for the injured person is littered with pitfalls for the unaware. The attorneys at Gardberg & Kemmerly can immediately help assist you in your personal injury claim. Do not delay!