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Attorneys Gardberg & Kemmerly
Photo of attorneys Jonathan P. Gardberg and Colin Edward Kemmerly

Compensation and Pension Examinations: Be Prepared and Put Your Best Foot Forward.

by | May 12, 2011 | Veterans Disability Benefits |

If a veteran files a claim for benefits, there is a good chance the VA will send the veteran for a Compensation and Pension (“C&P”) examination. The C&P examination is the most important time for a veteran to prove his or her disability. Here are a few tips I like to give veterans before they attend the C&P examination.

* Attend the Exam. Even if you think the exam is a waste of time, it is vital that you attend. The VA does not have to reschedule an exam if you miss your exam.

* Be on time. This is self explanatory. The examiner has numerous examinations scheduled and is on a pretty tight schedule.

* Be polite. The examiner is not person to take out your frustration on.

* Clean up. Do not show up for the examination disheveled. You want to put your best foot forward.

* Take a witness. Many veterans complain that their examination only lasted a few minutes. Bring someone who can attest to the amount of time you spent in the examination room.

* Tell the examiner how you really feel. Please be aware that the examiner is taking a snap shot of your health. Tell the examiner how your medical problems make you feel on a daily basis. Be sure to explain all of your problems. It is better to give too much information than not enough information.

Here are some questions the veteran should ask the examiner before the examination begins. These questions should be asked in a very polite manner.

1. Did the examiner have the C-file? Ask the doctor did she have access to your file. The VA is under a duty to give a complete examination. Depending on your claim, it is reversible error if the doctor does not have your C-file. If the examiner has not reviewed the file, the veteran should notify the DVA immediately to report that the file was not reviewed.

2. What are the qualifications of the examiner? Be sure to ask the examiner if they are a doctor. Also ask if they are a specialist, and if so, what their specialty is. Be sure to do this in a polite way.

Remember, the C&P examiner is there to evaluate you, and being prepared can help you put your best foot forward.



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