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Anticipating filing for SSD benefits? Here are some helpful tips

by | May 10, 2018 | Social Security Disability |

Have you suffered a life event like an injury or illness? While this can have a huge impact of a variety of factors in a person’s life, finances can particularly take a beating. While one may have saved money in hopes of never needing to use their emergency savings, sometimes it isn’t enough. If a person in Alabama is anticipating a big life change due to their illness or injury, Social Security disability benefits may be in order.

SSD benefits are available to those that qualify. Remember, that one must be ill or injured for a period of one year or longer to be considered. This injury or illness may have happened in a variety of ways, but the point is that the negative impact on a person’s health or ability to work is great enough that it lasts beyond a year and limits a person’s ability to find or keep employment. It is important to apply for benefits as soon as one determines one’s eligibility.

Spending habits should be assessed during this time as well. People cannot work and receive SSD benefits at the same time, so one should count on this as a main source of income. Considering budgets and how to keep them is crucial to a successful transition over to SSD benefits. While it may not entirely replace one’s prior salary, the gaps oftentimes need to be understood and reconciled with the amount one may receive from SSD benefits.

Each SSD benefit award will be tailored to a specific person’s situation, and the amount they have paid in Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) taxes in the past. It is not recommended that one cut their health insurance as those receiving SSD benefits often need access to health care insurance benefits. Specific health conditions and injuries can have life-altering impacts, like the need for SSD benefits, as one’s ability to work may not be what it once was. These benefits are needed by millions every single day.

Source: Kiplinger, “5 Tips on Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits,” Michael Stein, April 24, 2018



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